Achieved the ONLY goal I set for myself this year.

You ever figure out you’re really good at something but are filled with imposter syndrome? I usually save posts like these for my personal, private accounts, but for whatever reason this morning, my brain is telling me share it here.
Yes, I have been on my photography journey for over 15 years and have had incredible amounts of “success.” And yet, I still deal with feeling imposter syndrome all the time.
I think it’s because I’m a self taught photographer and have no formal education in the field of photography beyond a few workshops I’ve attended over the years. I’ve learned and refined my “style” through trial and error, reading blogs, watching tutorials, learning what my clients like, and just getting out and doing.
I set the goal of applying and being accepted to share images on MaxPreps when we moved to Ohio. I studied what kind of images they want to see and started shooting to get those kinds of images for my portfolio. After a few football games, I submitted my application. And….got denied.
The first time I applied WAY BACK when we first moved to KS, there was a long list of reasons. I pulled the email back up to see what they said just to make sure. Lol … This time, there was only one.
Instead of throwing this goal away like I’ve done in the past, I continued to shoot winter sports to build up my portfolio and practiced aggressive patience until I could “fix” that one thing. When we moved, with Aaron’s help, I re-applied. And was ACCEPTED this week!
As I sit here and write this post, I could ramble on forever, but I’ll cut it off here because IG won’t let me share that much in a caption.
I really just want to say THANK YOU to Aaron for helping me achieve this and to the TVS community in West Alexandria, Oh for letting me photograph your games this school year.
Bring on fall sports!!!!